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CO ASSESS Platform

CO ASSESS platform is a health insurance claims management platform, embedding leading-edge fraud and waste detection capabilities, empowered by AI.

According to Insurance Europe, there were € 13 bn. in fraudulent claims in Europe in 2017, which underscores the critical need for robust fraud detection and prevention measures within the insurance industry.

CO ASSESS Platform, assesses all claims and red flags possible fraudulent or wasteful ones, prior to reimbursement.

This leads to administrative and operational cost reduction, inspection cost minimization, expenditure control, claim prediction, strategic advantage in pricing and underwriting, etc.

CO REACT Platform

CO REACT platform is and AI-based approach for auto insurance fraud detection. According to the Insurance Information Institute, 10% of existing losses and expenses are estimated to result from fraud.

The platform combines multiple technologies, data sources and significant expertise of the leading team to maximize results accuracy, and to efficiently identify fraudulent claims.

It optimizes claims management and claims processing by introducing a paperless process, making claims settlement faster, safeguarding data safety since all processes are internal, predicting future claims and offering real time claims and fraud analytics.


CO TOOLBOXis a SaaS platform offering a blend of automated advanced data analytics, data engineering and machine learning tools.

A unique auto-ML platform for insurance carriers and agencies that supports data-driven decision making, delivering business competitive advantage and ultra-high ROI.

Ideal for SMEs lacking in-house expertise, this platform seamlessly integrates with existing data, automates analytics production, and continuously updated predictive models.

Tailored for the Insurance and Healthcare sectors, it offers scalability and user-friendliness, making it a valuable solution for enhancing operational efficiency and decision making.

CO HEALTH Risk Estimation Application

Covariance PC has designed and developed a family of disease risk calculators to estimate the risk of a person for specific diseases.

The first mobile application has been already produced and it is related with Cardiovascular Risk estimation.

The app aims to offer a friendly, safe and reliable mobile platform to estimate personal health risk for common health problems and diseases.

The app offers applications for self-screening test, personal coaching, as far as and educational use.

ML healthcare solutions

Covariance PC has designed and developed ML healthcare solutions, that are able to improve the efficiency, accuracy and personalized care, leading to better patient outcomes. Such solutions are:

  • Personalized Risk Estimation
  • Medical Opinion Analysis
  • Probability of illness
  • Imaging Test Analysis
  • Generative Medical AI
  • iDNA Cardio Health Kit
  • Parksinson Disease Screening Application
  • EHR Data Engineering
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